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client: Interview Magazine
assignment: Alexandra Shipp
artist: Morgan Maher

Publication: @interviewmag

Editor-in-Chief, Mel Ottenberg, @melzy917

Editorial Director Richard Turley, @civilizationnyc

Entertainment Director, Lauren Tabach-Bank, @laurentabach

Editor at Large, Christopher Bollen, @christbollen

Managing Editor Alexandra Weiss @thealexandraweiss

Executive Editor, Ben Barna, @benbarna

Senior Editor, Taylore Scarabelli, @taylorescarabelli

Market Director, Lucy Gaston @_lucygaston

Photography Production, The Morrison Group @themorrisongroup

Photography Editor, Raine Trainor @rainetrain

Alexandra Shipp @alexandrashipppp

Photographed by Morgan Maher @morgan.maher

Styled by Alex Assil @alexassil

Hair by Miles Jeffries @milesjeffrieshair

Makeup: Dana Delaney @danadelaney

Nails: Vanessa Sanchez McCullough @nailzbyvee

Styling Assistant: Antonina Getmanova

Institute Artist is redefining how stories are produced and told. Representing auteur-driven storytellers, we bring together talent across commercials, photography, fine art, and film. Founded by Matt Shonfeld and Frank Evers. Institute Artists multiplatform production expertise, and established global relationships in entertainment, fine art, and journalism make for unmatched reach and cross-pollination of creative work. Institute Artist has been a leading advocate of the power of underrepresented talent and is fully committed to bringing these authentic voices to our clients by helping them tell compelling and entertaining stories that better connect with their audiences.