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© Elin Berge/Moment

Swedish photographer Elin Berge set out to investigate whether it’s true that Sweden is one of the world's most secularized countries. She went out to look for God. To her surprise, she met a Goddess instead. The photo feature and book Awakening is an intimate and poetic depiction of a loosely organized awakening movement made up of women who believe in the return of a divine feminine power. They mean that our culture has oppressed the sacred feminine and disparaging women’s bodies and sexuality, making women forget their innate power. That it is time for all women to remember who they truly are and to heal, to be able to lead the way into a future of peace between people and balance between humans and the planet. The delicate photographs provide insight into a world where women engage in spiritual rituals, magic and sisterhood. This spiritual arena may appear peripheral, but in many ways it reflects its time. It shows women attempting to create new ways of understanding and embody femininity. An intense search for alternative ways to live.

click to view the complete set of images in the archive

“This is a turning point. We are called to live in more harmony with nature, all living. None of us are immune”
— Shamanic Priestess Teresa, via Instagram @shamanic_priestess on Covid-19

Publisher Max Strom
English and Swedish
March 2020 released