Londoners ware upbeat and coming out in droves to vote to Remain all day. Everyone I spoke believed staying in Europe was in the bag. The LSE (London School of Economics) was buzzing with former alumni donning Remain stickers and T shirts although the group of Austrian MPs told me Britain staying in was ‘the lesser of two evils’ adding ‘the UK had never bought into the EU as a political project but was turbo charged for the free market’.
The two Leave campaigners lurking between the press tents at Westminster were the lone Leave voices of the night. By the time I arrived at Wandsworth for the first vote count of the night London was complacent and sure of that the UK would be staying in Europe. By the time I left Wandsworth the first signs of how out of step the UK’s capital is with the rest of the country were starting to creep in via the results in Sunderland and the north of England.
-Dougie Wallace June 2016
click to see all the images Dougie made on polling day