Fifty Shades Of Red
© RiverboomUNDER THE SUN
What unites hundreds of North European tourists that flock to a low-cost resort on Egypt’s Red Sea, besides that free-booze wristband they are all wearing? Their desire to transform.
They arrive at the starting of the week white as a mozzarella and leave seven days later red as a beet.
You might contend it is a superficial transformation. We fell it is skin-deep. And in a time where personal transformations are few and far apart it is worthy of attention.
Riverboom, a devout scholar of human behaviors with a natural penchant for cataloging them, has chosen The Three Corners Beach Resort at Marsa Alam as the ideal location for its annual meeting.
Between seminar and conventions, some held on sunbeds and some underwater, the consensus emerged that a book should be produced and it would occupy us for a maximum of one day. Conceived, shoot, selected and designed in less than 24 hours.
We photographed our fellow guests and ordered them from the palest to the most sunburnt. You are holding the result in your hands.
click to view the complete set of images in the archive