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James Bay Hydro Quebec

© David Maisel

The James Bay Hydro Quebec project is one of the largest hydroelectric systems in the world, and covers an area the size of New York State. The project, which cost more than $20 billion US to construct, has a generating capacity of 16,000 megawatts. That capacity is three times more than all of the power stations at Niagara Falls, eight times the power of Hoover Dam, and more than double the power of all eight reactors at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, the largest in North America. The state-owned project has been criticized, however, for its environmental impact. By diverting the flow of water from four major rivers of the Hudson Bay into its large body of water, the James Bay Project has created a complex chain reservoir ultimately changing the dynamics of the land.

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Institute Artist is redefining how stories are produced and told. Representing auteur-driven storytellers, we bring together talent across commercials, photography, fine art, and film. Founded by Matt Shonfeld and Frank Evers. Institute Artists multiplatform production expertise, and established global relationships in entertainment, fine art, and journalism make for unmatched reach and cross-pollination of creative work. Institute Artist has been a leading advocate of the power of underrepresented talent and is fully committed to bringing these authentic voices to our clients by helping them tell compelling and entertaining stories that better connect with their audiences.