Commission: Riva Italia
artist: Luca Locatelli
The Matteri Shipyard was founded in 1860 at Lezzeno, Italy in the Como's Lake. Matteri Erio is the owner of the shipyard and it's the most famous place where an old Riva wooden boat can be restored and maintained. The fashionable real estate business on the Como's Lake, started by George Clooney has brought many wealthy people from around the world, hunting for villas and the glorious Riva wooden boats to use during their short visits on the Lake. Matteri shipyard is THE place where you can find, restore and maintain Riva wooden boats. Nowadays only few hundreds for each model are still existing on the planet and in this shipyard you can find the highest concentration of boats.
For example an Acquarama model, one of the most prestigious, can cost up to 600.000 euro once well renovated and its renovation can take more than 600 hours inside the Matteri workshop.
Even if you are very wealthy you have to have a lot of luck and patience before owning a Riva boat.