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© Sasha Maslov

Saints is a photobook by Sasha Maslov in which he portrays stories of people during the Russian war against Ukraine in 2022–2023. Maslov presents his meaning of modern day sanctity and self-sacrifice of Ukrainians which transformed during the 10 years of the war.

The book contains more than 100 photos and stories of people who are serving the Ukrainian Armed Forces, volunteering, and doing their everyday work for defending Ukraine. Many photographed heroes and heroines are killed and gone missing, therefore the photobook is in honour of lives lost and celebrates lives saved.

_ist publishing
311 pages
235 x 311 mm
~1,8 kg
3500 copies
Hardback, dust jacket
Language: English
ISBN 978-617-7948-46-8

International order of Saints via Saint Javelin

“This is a book about the the personal sacrifice of people who chose to resist this brutal and barbaric invasion, happening in Europe in the 21st century as the whole World keeps watching. This is a book about godless sainthood,” — Sasha Maslov.

“After the full-scale invasion, our publishing house thoroughly revised its publishing programme, focusing on books that record and help Ukrainian and international audiences analyse current events. Sasha Maslov's SAINTS photo book has exactly this purpose. Having collected over 100 images and stories, Sasha Maslov and Nastia Stanko speak of the courage, sacrifice, and relentless determination of the people who play and have played an important role in the Russian-Ukrainian war, capturing the essence of holiness in the midst of struggle. Published in collaboration with Saint Javelin, this photo book honours those who have died while recognising the resilience of those who are living through tragic events right now,” — Anastasiia Leonova, co-founder of the ist publishing publishing house.

30% of the net profit from the sale of the book on the Saint Javelin website will be used to purchase tactical medical equipment for the Ukrainian Armed Forces under the initiative “Unite With Ukraine” of the Ukrainian World Congress.

Sasha Maslov is a Ukrainian photographer who works for The New York Times, New York Magazine, Wall Street Journal Magazine, and is the author of the photo books Ukrainian Railroad Ladies (2020, Osnovy), Veterans: Faces of World War II (2017, Princeton Architectural Press), and Portrait Assignment (self-published).