Teen Lipo
© Lauren GreenfieldDr. Robesrt Ersek, a plastic surgeon and the self-proclaimed “biggest fat-sucker in Texas” removed 35 pounds of fat from Brooke Bates, now 13, believed to be the United States’ youngest Liposuction patient. Brooke tried every diet imaginable since 3rd grade but at age 12 she weighed 220lbs, a size 22, and was diagnosed as prediabetic.
After being diagnosed as morbidly obese and enduring the scrutiny of both boys and girls in junior high, Brooke along with the support of her parents turned to plastic surgery. The extensive liposuction on her back, arms, chin, and midsection, was followed by a tummy tuck to remove the excess skin resulting in a 22.5” scar and less 10lbs. of skin.
Her parents, Joey and Cindy, from a small rural community outside of Austin, Texas, spent $25,000 on both surgeries which were not covered by insurance. Although pleased with the results, the Bates family realizes that liposuction isn’t for everyone. Brooke Bates isn’t the only teenager to have had plastic surgery – in 2005, an estimated 3,000 teenagers (most between the ages of 16-18) had liposuction in the United States.
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